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An autumn day’s dusky evening
Sunlight fading away for the day
Permitting the stars to flaunt their wares
In the vast canvas of sky!
Head decked out in sweet-smelling jasmines
Lips smeared with gaudy red
Aging body doused in scents
Half-clad in a kitschy attire
I am lying in my crumpled bed
In a darkened, dreary room
Awaiting the evening’s unknown lovers
Another round of accounted love
And, a few administered moans!
I am in my life’s autumn too
But with a spring that is never to return!
Yore an arrogant Aphrodite
Now I am a shadow of that seductive self!
Half-past all my halcyon days
Mind so filled with morbid scars
No more I feel vanity for my ware!
Gone are the reveries, those gleeful dreams
Where I once sketched a world all my own -
A merry homely life with my offspring
A caring husband’s cozy cuddles
A simple supper in togetherness, and
Retiring to the same embrace every other night!
My soul has fought some eternal struggles
Often with the skin, but always with stomach!
Branded and bashed as a body-seller
Brandished as a costly concubine
I have seen the human life’s whole gamut!
All the so-called saints and savants
God’s kin and government’s men
Poets looking for plenitude in me
Painters drawing my voluptuous verves
Intellects in search of inane answers
Adulterers reeking of unbridled lust, and
Disloyal spouses with desperate needs -
I have seen all their other sides too!
In the dead of dark-clad night
Alive with lot of amorous thoughts
They come in search of a satiating vent!
Quenching all the carnal cravings
Soon they wane into the same darkness
Lest their naked ghosts face the sacred Sun!
During my daylight rambles by roadside
Often the same ones stand scorning me
With one eye still ogling my flesh!
I snuff my anger with sardonic smiles -
I cover only my sanguine skin, but they
Sheathe their dark souls’ chinks as well!
While I bare only my bodily clothes
They shed their souls’ hypocritical veil!
28th October '11