Friday, January 31, 2014

Love’s Little Tussles

Image Source - Google
Life’s little loveless tussles
Tousle up our tireless passion
Carving a silent void between us
As we sit seething with anger
Donning faces of indifference
Something stirs deep within me
Why a vain sense of righteousness
All this amount of abrasiveness?
Why I cling to a foolish ego
Awaiting you to break our silence
And offer acts of apologies?
Are true all my tender words
Boastful promises of pure care
If I let these trivial things
Be the blots in our pure bonding?
What good is a wholesome Moon
If every wafting wisp of smoke
Is to smear her pristine charm?!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Be With Me

Image Source - Google
Let’s not be like flower and scent
Lest one leaves when other wilts down
Let’s not be like the Moon and light
Lest our love does wax and wane
Let’s not be like the skin and shadow
Lest one quits in the days of darkness

Pervading as a passion undying
Pulsating through my whole being
Be with me like the breath I take
Unseen and yet all through me
Filling me with your being’s warmth
Till I breathe my last one here!