Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Krishna’s Promise

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Oh, my dearest doe-eyed Radha
Woman of all my vibrant dreams
Why I sense a senseless envy
Surging through your slender being
As I trifle with simple Gopis?
Why you wet your cheeks in vain
Letting envy fret your heart
Yearning when I am ever yours?!

Fragrant flowers of myriad hues
Abound all around in Vrindavan
Yet the simple, sacred Tulsi
Asserts this jungle as her own -
Dainty damsels, divinely nymphs
Ardor-stoking apsaras-forms
Seek me with their sinless love
Yet this simple cowherd girl
Brimming with pure boundless passion
Will ever get me as her One!

Ashok Krishna